Anchoring out tonight

Monday 30 November – Kilkenny to New Teakettle Creek

sunset 2We woke to an awesome sunrise and enjoyed another absolutely beautiful day winding our way through Georgia.  We only saw three other boats on the water today.

DolphinThe dolphins were out and about swimming around the sounds and rivers we transited.  

We took a break from our tour of the marinas along the ICW and headed up a small creek to anchor for the night.

At anchorBeing at anchor by 1300 meant we had the afternoon to work on our tans and enjoy the absolute quiet only broken by the birds flying and fishing for themselves.

The solitude of being the only boat there was awesome.

Tomorrow we will be transiting a known shoaling area called Little Mud River and want to time that with high tide.  This means we get to sleep in and enjoy a quiet morning tomorrow.  But for now, another beautiful sunset.  Sunset 2