Just another day….and a good day at that.

Tuesday – 1 November – Deltaville, VA – Hampton, VA

p1030033We always leave Deltaville at first light because of the long transit expected for the next day.  Our reward for getting up and getting going so early was a beautiful morning sky.

Our second reward was that the higher sky was overcast so we didn’t have to be blinded by the sun as we left the channel, looking for markers.

The unfortunate part was we didn’t see the sun for the rest of the day.

p1030039As predicted, the wind was light, unfortunately too light to get any benefit from raising the sail, and the water was flat, but, overall the day was enjoyable.

These are some of the vessels sharing the water today…..two very different extremes…p1030048




p1030050We arrived in Hampton without incident and docked with a bit less drama than last year… we must be learning something!

We enjoyed a lovely dinner at the same restaurant as last year – it is amazing how we are repeating ourselves without intention.

There are two routes for the next portion from here, but the  Dismal Swamp is still closed due to the effects of the Hurricane Matthew from last month, so we will be going to Great Bridge (Chesapeake), Virginia tomorrow.